Friday, December 14, 2012

From East to West

The body of Christ reaches out across America to help a baby boy born November 19, 2011, with a heart and pulmonary artery and vein defect. Good News Ministries in Staunton, VA (Mid-Atlantic Coast District) called on The Father's House in Palo Alto, CA (Santa Clara Section in Central CA) to help with a family needing to bring their baby boy to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University.

Pastor Gregory Miller in Staunton, VA learned the need of this family and orchestrated a plan to reach out to little baby Cody Krieg. A church team started making calls and the Central District of CA became involved. Bishop Culver referred us to Presbyter Leonard Myers who in turn directed us to Pastors Glen and Dutchie Coulter in Palo Alto, CA.

The body of Christ came together from the east coast to the west coast with one purpose in mind—to help little Cody have an opportunity to live.

Good News Ministries began raising funds for the family to help them with the traveling expenses they would incur for such a challenging trip. A benefit concert was organized and two Virginia gospel groups volunteered their time and talents to help with the project.  Calvary's Mercy Quartet and Heaven's Mountain Band (part of the body of Christ), well known in the Staunton area, worked with Good News Ministries.

The Krieg family left for California on February 2 and on Sunday night, February 19 the benefit concert assembled in the 350-seat auditorium of Good News Ministries and the glory of the Lord came down. What a night! Unfortunately, 10 inches of snow also came down that night, but it did not dampen the spirit of those attending.

Bro. and Sis. Myers were able to meet the family at the San Jose Airport when they arrived and took them under wing, seeing to their lodging and appointed trip to the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital.

The days ahead of the Krieg family have been one challenge after another. The baby boy was found to have more heart related problems than was first known and he was placed in ICU during their first week in Palo Alto. The baby's first surgery on February 10 went well and all praise to our God and Savior for the divine answer to the earnest prayers being offered up for little Cody. 

Because of little Cody's age (3 months) and his frail condition, a second surgery had to be postponed for at least 3 more months. The Krieg family continued to live in CA at the Ronald McDonald House on the campus of the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital until Cody was strong enough to be released back to the care of his parents.

Again, Pastor Glen and Dutchie Coulter came alongside of the Krieg family to help find them a place to live for the next several months. An apartment was established in Pacifica and furniture was provided by The Father's House church of Palo Alto. The Krieg family attended several services at The Father's House while watching closely the progress of their son, On May 10, 2012 further tests were made on the baby and it was determined that another surgery was not to be done at this time for Cody. The first surgery had been very helpful for Cody and he was able to breathe better and began eating like any normal baby. He gained 4 pounds and was acting as any normal baby his age would.

On June 2, 2012 the Krieg family returned home to Virginia. Good News Ministries had planned a Homecoming Day for June 3 not knowing the Krieg family return home date. The special music for the day was none other than the Calvary's Mercy Quartet, the group that had so graciously given their time and talents on that snowy night of February 19 when the benefit concert for Cody was held.

Needless to say, baby Cody and his mother, Renee, were in the service that morning, and his mother was able to personally thank everyone involved in helping their family get to CA for the surgery little Cody so desperately needed.

Pastor Greg Miller and Good News Ministries are thankful for Bishop Culver, Presbyter Leonard Myers, and Pastor Glen and Dutchie Coulter of the Central CA District for coming on board to help a family they didn't know but responded with the body of Christ on the east coast to bring about a wonderful miracle for a little baby boy. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you.

The Pentecostal Church of God is working together from the east coast to the west coast and around the world as a united part of the body of Christ. To God be the glory!

Submitted by:   Bobbie Knoezer, Assoc. Pastor / Music Dir. Of Good News Ministries, Staunton, VA.  Mid-Atlantic Coast Dist.

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