Saturday, January 27, 2018

PCG Local - Lost and Found: Guiding the Lost & Baptizing the Found

By Rev. Pat Lockwood

When I was asked to write an article about a recent baptismal service, I struggled to find the right words. It’s easy to say this service was conducted by the Calvary Pentecostal Church of God in Winchester, Virginia, and provide a few details. What’s more difficult is to convey the feeling and impact of that service, as well as the series of events that led up to it. Among my thoughts: How could I possibly describe what the Holy Spirit is birthing? After all, God’s work is not a formula to be explained. Nor is it about what any of us are doing. It’s really all about the person of Jesus Christ who is being revealed through our lives to a lost and dying world. 

The Backstory

I have always had a burden for the lost, but key experiences over the past few years have guided me to another remarkable path of ministry. In May 2014, a deep, heart-rending passion for souls gripped my heart when God let me experience the emotional feeling of a soul being hopelessly and eternally lost in Hell. Then, in September 2015, God opened the door for me to minister one-on-one to the ladies at the local jail.

A young woman (now in her 20s), who had attended Sunday school as a child, was drawn back to our church and received Christ as her Savior. Unfortunately, she found herself in trouble with the law—a probation violation due to a drug addiction—and was incarcerated again. During my visits with this young woman, God began to do a work in her heart, which was evidenced by her cellmates. Soon, she began giving me names of others who also wanted to talk with me. As I shared the love of God with them, and the plan that Jesus had for their lives, many of them accepted Him as their Savior. 

Never lacking for anyone to share with, I have ministered personally to more than 50 inmates during the last two years. Oftentimes, I would feel very low as I pressed through demonic forces to make my visits every Friday. But when a soul was born into the Kingdom of God, I would go home flying high as a kite!

Many who lived in the Winchester area told me they were going to attend our church once released, yet they were drawn back into their sinful lifestyles. Satan tried to discourage me with reports that people were only receiving “jailhouse religion” while incarcerated. However, I knew that God had given me a burden for souls, and my only responsibility was to tell them about Jesus. What they did with Jesus was their choice.

Then, a few months ago, the Holy Spirit penetrated the darkness and two ladies who had been released from jail began attending our church. They are so excited about Jesus and what He is doing in their lives. The mother to one of them even started accompanying her to church. This 72-year-old mother, who had never been born again, received Christ into her heart. The Holy Spirit is infusing new life into our congregation and others are being born again!

A Special Baptism

When several people expressed a desire to be baptized in water, I contacted Rev. Randall Lawrence, our district bishop, for some welcomed assistance. Eleven people presented themselves for baptism. Five were new converts, while the others had previously been baptized but wanted a spiritual refreshing. No words can justly describe the anointing on that service as the new converts shared how Jesus had changed their lives. 

One lady disclosed that she had been molested as a child. At the age of 12, she experienced a change in her heart, but in the ensuing years she strayed from the Lord. During her incarceration, she made a commitment to follow the Lord with all her heart, and she is now living a beautiful, Christian life.

Another lady told how Jesus had manifested Himself to her through a bright light while she was lying in her cell bed. This light of Jesus Christ drove all the darkness out of her soul and filled her with joy, peace, and love.

One gentleman shared how Jesus had delivered him from alcohol and cigarettes. Additionally, a 10-year-old boy was slain in the Spirit and received a genuine conversion as he wept his way through to old-time repentance. He now feels that God has something GREAT for him to accomplish. The blood of Jesus has never lost its power!

The dynamic, powerful anointing that energized Brother Lawrence as he delivered God’s Word penetrated the hard hearts of many of the candidates’ family members in attendance. No doubt the seed of God’s Word was planted that day. It will be watered with our tears and prayers, and God will give the increase.

I have no idea where the Holy Spirit is leading the Calvary Pentecostal Church of God, but I know that God has been preparing and developing this body of believers for a great harvest of souls. I believe God is going to use us to help plunder Hell! TO GOD BE ALL THE PRAISE, GLORY, AND HONOR!

Rev. Pat Lockwood is the current pastor of Calvary Pentecostal Church of God in Winchester, Virginia. Her diverse ministry experience spans more than 60 years and includes service as a worship leader, church secretary, evangelist’s wife, Sunday school teacher, VBS director, and pastor’s spouse. From tent revivals to van ministry and, more recently, jail ministry, Rev. Lockwood has traveled countless miles to many unique locations to spread the gospel. A PCG-credentialed minister, she was ordained in 2015.

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