By Teena Skiles, National Youth Ministries First Lady
One of the best sports movies, “The Sandlot,” pegs the saying from Ham Porter, “You play ball like a girl!” as an insult. But we know better, don’t we girls?
Racheal Alexander runs like a girl (first filly in 85 years to win the 2009 Preakness). Mia Hamm kicks like a girl (famous soccer player). Lisa Leslie dunks like a girl (famous basketball player.) Jennie Finch throws like a girl (famous softball player). Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh spike like girls (famous volleyball players).
And you, my girlfriend, what do you do? You fight. Yes, you fight like a girl. Everyday you wake up in the ring of life. You have one opponent and one opponent only. His name is Satan. His goal is to beat you down and to knock you out. He pulls cheap shots. He keeps hitting you even after the bell has rung. You have an enemy that is seeking to devour you, your mind, your thoughts, your heart, your body, your purity, your dreams, your soul. What are you going to do about it?
This is what you’re going to do! You are going to join other fighters in St Louis, Missouri on April 9-10, 2010 for the National Girl Talk Conference. We are going to begin your training on how to really fight like a girl. This is going to be a spiritual workout. You will be surrounded by trainers and managers (spiritual mothers/mentors) that will be there to share some key moves, key exercises, key routines you will need to be a great and victorious fighter.
We are blessed with godly ladies that are willing to put on their boxing gloves and fight for you . . . but you must fight your own fight. We can’t fight your fight for you. It is our responsibility to train you. You must be willing to put on your gloves, step in the ring, stand toe to toe with the enemy and fight.
Impact Student Ministries and Women’s Ministries are partnering together to win this fight. We are in your corner! If you are bruised, if you are cut, if you are tired, if you are ready to throw in the towel — DON’T. We have the equipment to clean you up, to strengthen you, to patch you, to quench your thirst — it’s the Word of God, our fighting manual and rulebook. God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and sound mind. He’s the ultimate fighter and He is your example. You can wear His robe of righteousness, His belt of truth and, you can crown Him the champion of your life!
Don’t be a wimp. Toughen up. Bring your friends! When you leave Girl Talk 2010, you will say, “Hi. I’m (insert your name here) and I fight like a girl!”
Place: Millennium Hotel, St Louis, MO
Date: April 9-10, 2010
For more info:
Girl Talk began in Southern Missouri District in 2006. The goal was for women and teen girls to establish relationships and to begin a mentoring ministry in local churches. This event is full of powerful praise and worship, dramas, break-out sessions for teen girls and for mentors, and inspirational speakers. This year we are honored that the Southern Missouri District has allowed the National Youth and Women’s Ministries to partner with them so we can reach more girls and women across America. We believe training must take place in our local churches, so you can impact your community.
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