The truth is, that's the way God designed and ordained family to be -- a type of Christ and the Church, bound together in love, unity, vision, and purpose. However, sad but true, the present concept of marriage and family in America is viewed (in many aspects) to be in devastating contrast to God's design for family. How sad!
The fact is, stable, healthy families are major security blocks for our society. Should these vital "building blocks" begin to decay and crumble, it is most certain that the entire structure of society will also decompose. Another definition for decompose is "rot"! All we have to do is to look around us, watch the evening news to see a lot of rottenness in our world today! Sad to say, but true, society is nothing more than the home amplified.
It was God-fearing, Christ-honoring, self-sacrificing, hard-working families that were bound together in unity of purpose that built America! Yet, today division seems to be the norm, and it is tearing our nation apart.
It was hard-working, unified families who obeyed the call of God on their lives and literally built The Pentecostal Church of God! Children who were brought up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, whose parents were true examples of godly love and dedication to the divine cause of Christ, also became building pioneers under the banner of the PCG! No sacrifice seemed too great, no vision unattainable for our family of founders of the yester-years. Today, the kingdom of God is still being built on the building blocks of prayer, faith, unrelenting vision, sacrifice, and hard work of families who are in on accord with each other and with God.
It is alarming, even a frightening reality, that the family has become a prime target of a Satanic attack. His attack began in the Garden of Eden. Any rules that God has created and ordained and commissioned for humanity to live by immediately becomes Satan's objective to destroy. Foundation blocks, such as belief in the Bible and trust in God, honesty, clean living, at every level of life that is in accord with biblical principles are under attack and must be recognized! It is not what the Supreme Court rules, or any level of government permits, or society accepts, if it is not based on the teaching of the Word of God, it is unacceptable by God!
It is obvious that moral values are rapidly shifting away from God's rule of living-- the "abundant life rule" that only comes from being a follower of Christ. While the loss of a moral compass (in the world in general) is troubling, how much more should it be troubling when this loss also becomes evident among the Christian family who is commissioned to be the salt and light in the world?
Moms and dads, the "salt and light" factor plays a most vital role in family life. Salt, as we know, is a preservative as well as seasoning for food. (Oh, how icky those breakfast eggs would taste without a sprinkle of salt!). And light, as we well know, dispels darkness, shows light on our pathway, and is essential to life itself.
Does not the definition of salt and light, which God says we are to be, clearly reveal what our children need from their mom and dad to form a well preserved family unit? Children need to be literally "preserved" in the truths of God's Word. They need to experience a well-seasoned life pleasurable togetherness, making enduring memories that will live on and on, being ever thankful for being a part of a family functioning in the Light Gospel of Christ.
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