Monday, November 18, 2013

5 Questions About The Encounter Conference

1. True or False: The Encounter Conference is a TEEN/YOUTH event?
False: The Encounter Conference is a LEADERSHIP EVENT. If you are a leader, then it’s for you no matter what your age or position. The Encounter Conference is attended by local church leadership, district leadership, lay people, collegiates and teenagers. The Encounter is truly a multi-generational gathering.

2.  What happens at an Encounter Conference?
Multi-generational leaders gather for two days of worship, inspiration, and connection. You will be inspired from anointed communicators, you will be refreshed by the presence of God, and you will have the opportunity to connect with leaders.

3. What is the FOCUS of The Encounter Conference?
The focus is on becoming what we call “NEXT-GEN leaders.” A “NEXT-GEN leader” is not an age group or style, but rather a mentality & commitment to mentor & disciple the next generation. Each Encounter Conference has a specific theme; however, the focus still remains on learning to become leaders committed to reach & mentor those who will follow in our footsteps.

4.  What is the cost of attending The Encounter Conference?
There is no registration fee for The Encounter Conference.  We try to make it as easy as possible for our Districts & Churches to bring as many of their leaders to the event as possible.  We do take up an offering at the Encounter and allow for leaders & churches to sow into the event.

5.  What does the schedule look like?

8 PM optional connection time
(this is for those who will be in the area by 8PM on Thursday and would like to connect for a
time of fellowship)

9 AM session 1 & 2
2 PM session 3
7 PM session 4 & 5

9 AM session 6 & 7
12 PM dismissal*

*Our conference schedule is designed for Leaders & Churches to be able to depart on Saturday in time to make it home for weekend Worship Services.

for more information visit: 

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