Notice Jesus is living his life with the lost in mind. The Pharisees and scribes were focused on other things. They were IN something that Jesus was OUT of. This was not an outreach dinner. This was not a program. This was Jesus in real life setting the example for us on the priority of the lost. Jesus responds with three powerful parables, focusing on the priority of the lost. Notice his mindset: “Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?”— (Luke 15:8 NKJV)
#1. Awareness (light a lamp).
For too long we have forgotten the principle of all things lost. We all, at one time or another, were lost (Romans 3:23). Oh, but how easy it is to forget about the lost! We need the Holy Spirit to shine the light of his truth into our hearts so that we become aware of the lost. They are all around us, just turn the light on.#2. Get Dirty (sweep the house).
Something tells me this lady, sweeping the floor of her home, created quite the mess. Notice her willingness to get dirty and stir up some dust to find what was lost! I’m not suggesting to partake in the sin to reach the sinner; I’m just saying, don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and get a little dirty. Leave the ninety-nine and reach the one.#3. Diligence (search carefully).
We’ve lost our stamina in reaching the lost. Excuse the pun, but when it comes to “the lost,” no one is a “lost cause.” Who is it that you have written off that you need to diligently pursue? Maybe that foul-mouthed neighbor is your next deacon? Or maybe he is your deacon? No, I’m kidding! But you get the point: SEARCH DILIGENTLY!A few weeks ago our family went shopping. With three young children, our trips to the mall are not for the faint of heart! My wife and I smiled as we watched our children innocently play a game of “tag” among the racks of clothing. In a split second the situation changed when our youngest daughter disappeared. We stopped everything and focused on one thing. We did things you don’t traditionally do in a store. We SHOUTED, RAN, PUSHED and SHOVED frantically searching for our daughter. At that moment, nothing else mattered but our child who was lost.
As a father, I’ll never forget that moment. Today, may outreach never become delegated to a person or program, but rather the life we live in pursuit of the lost.
To me, that is relevant.
By: Randy Lawrence Jr
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