Thousands Gather in Front of Independence Hall to Pray
for National Healing at America for Jesus 2012 Solemn Assembly affirms new Delcaration of Dependence on God, Calling the nation back to Biblical values...

Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 2012 - Exactly 40 days before the national
election, nearly 25,000 individuals gathered over two days on Independence Mall
in Philadelphia, Sept. 28-29, for America for Jesus
2012 (AFJ). The purpose of this solemn assembly that gathered Christians
representing all races, parties and denominations from across the United States,
was to pray for the healing of our nation and call America back to
"Today we have come to a historic place to make spiritual history in
America," said Rev. Billy Wilson, co-chair for America for Jesus 2012,
acknowledging our nation's founding documents declaring we are 'one nation under
God,' that were drafted and signed in nearby Independence Hall. "Today we have
come back to this place because we believe America is in a spiritual drift that
must be turned around."
"This is not a political rally; we have come today as the people of
God," Wilson continued. "The destiny of our nation does not rest in Washington,
D.C.; it does not rest in the White House, the congressional house or in the
court house. We believe that the destiny of America rests in the church house
and in your house and in my house."
State Senator Stewart Greenleaf noted that America was founded by
God-inspired individuals like William Penn, telling the crowd, "Today has been
designated by the Pennsylvania State Senate as William Penn Day, and we pray
that our nation will continue to be a beacon to the world."
Deputy Philadelphia Mayor Richard Negrin brought greetings from City
Hall saying, "You are standing on holy ground. In that building behind you,
there are three words, 'We the people.' We have a right to exercise
our religion, our free speech and all our rights in the Bill of Rights. Today
you stand here with faith in your heart and a burning desire to worship just
like William Penn did all those years ago."
The two-day event began with a youth rally on Friday evening. Bishop
Anne Gimenez, pastor of The Rock Church International in Virginia Beach, Va.,
visionary and national chairman of America for Jesus 2012 told several thousand
teens gathered, "America for Jesus will be a shout heard around the world. This
is a beginning of a push for righteousness in America. We're here to declare the
Word of the Lord!"
The program incorporated a diverse array of influential Christian
leaders, including Bishop Harry Jackson, Vonette Bright, Rev. Jim Garlow, Rev.
Cindy Jacobs and author Jonathan Cahn.
On Saturday, Dr. Tom Phillips, director of the Billy Graham Library
in Charlotte, read a letter of greeting and solidarity from the 93-year-old
evangelist, whom he said was burdened for America and plans to preach one more
time on his 95th birthday next year.
"Nothing could be more urgent than for God's people to come together
and pray for our nation and our world," Mr. Graham wrote. "Our only hope is to
turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith and to seek to obey Him in
every area of our lives, as individuals and also as a nation...As you gather in
this historic place, which gave birth to our nation's Declaration of
Independence, may your presence give birth to a new declaration for our nation,
a declaration of dependence upon almighty God."
According to Rev. Sammy Rodriguez, the next great movement in America
will not be the Tea Party nor the Occupy Wall Street movement, but a
Christ-centered, Bible-based righteousness and justice movement. "I am convinced
that America is not done with God and God is not done with America," he
"We are not here for an event, but to seek the heart of God, as there
is a battle for the soul of our nation," said Doug Stringer. "God's blessing on
this nation can become a path for America to bless the world; but it depends on
a posture of humility in the Church. While men reach for thrones to build their
own Kingdoms, Jesus came with a towel to wash his disciples' feet."
Television broadcaster Pat Robertson noted that in 1607, the first
English settlers knelt in prayer around the cross, dedicating this new nation to
the Lord. "I don't care what the ACLU says or any atheist says, this nation
belongs to Jesus," he declared. "We will never change America through politics.
We will only change America through a mighty outpouring of God's Holy
Rev. Tony Perkins expressed gratitude to God that this nation was
founded on righteousness and divine justice. "Our founders . . . did not build
an altar to government; rather they launched a country that would honor you," he
said. "Today we look for government to be all that we need. Government can never
be all we need. We need you."
Throughout the day, other Christian leaders offered prayers for
America and its people, including Bishop E.W. Jackson: "You are not only the God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, You are the God of George Washington, the God of
Thomas Jefferson, the God of Patrick Henry and you are our God, the God of the
United States of America. We are here to worship and acknowledge You and give
praise to Your holy and righteous name."
Pastor Phil Cappuccio reminded the audience that, 236 years ago, the
sound of the Liberty Bell was heard throughout this square. "Today, we lift up
our voices - not in protest, but in repentance - that God will heal our land.
Let there be a new sound, a sound of awakening."
Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress called upon God, "I pray that as your
people we will get up off our blessed assurances on Nov. 6, that we would go out
and not vote for a party or a candidate but that we would cast a vote for
righteousness. Our mandate is not to save America, but to save Americans from
your coming judgment."
Early in the nine-hour rally, Rev. Wilson called for a time of
repentance for the seven deadly sins - pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath
and anger, and slothfulness - that are the root causes of the problems in our
nation. Various Christian leaders led prayers for forgiveness for specific and
related social issues, such poverty, unemployment, crime, sex trafficking and
government stewardship.
"We have come to do surgery in the name of Jesus, going after the
root to see our nation changed," Wilson said, before prayers were offered in
each category during several hours of the program. "We believe God is going to
heal the headwaters of America and see deliverance from these capital sins so
that righteousness can again exalt our nation."
As a practical demonstration of Founding Father William Penn's
sentiment, "Let us try what love will do," AFJ's Love Philadelphia reached out
to the poor and needy of the City with a hand of compassion and a message of
hope. On Sept. 15, more than 1500 volunteers gathered at eight care sites,
serving 15,000 people with 150,000 pounds of groceries in the name of Jesus.
Relief agencies such as Operation Compassion, Operation Blessing, Convoy of
Hope, and A Can Can Make a Difference all donated trucks to the
America for Jesus 2012 was organized by One Nation Under God, a
coalition of ministries that sponsored the watershed Washington for Jesus events
in the 80s and 90s, which focused on prayer, repentance and revival, based on
God's promises found in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
To-date, the five national and numerous regional rallies attended by
several hundred thousand people have made significant impact affecting millions
across the country and the national movement continues to call for a return to
biblical values rather than endorsing any particular party or
"Forty days before the election, we will be bringing the salt of the
nation to the headwaters of America to pray for an awakening and for the
spiritual needs of the country," said Billy Wilson, co-chair for America for
Jesus 2012 and Executive Director of the International Center for Spiritual
Rev. Herb Lusk commended the inclusive nature of the day's events,
saying he was impressed by the leaders' reaching out to the African-American
community and keeping the event from becoming politicized. "The committee came
to me early and asked me for advice, and I told them it needed to be clear that
this was about America, that it wasn't political, or the African-American
community would not be involved," he said. "They listened, and it worked. Not
only is God going to bless white America, he's going to bless black
Program participants and organizers alike expressed hope and
excitement about the outcome of the rally. "I'm so encouraged the Body of Christ
has come together in Philadelphia," said Vonette Bright. "I believe this will be
the beginning of renewal and a spiritual awakening that will bring us back to
the principles on which this nation was founded."
AFJ 2012 National Coordinator John Blanchard echoed her sentiments:
"This is the most powerful solemn assembly I've ever personally attended. I
believe a window of grace is open for the nation to launch renewal for
transformation in America."
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